On Friday - on this Friday, of all Fridays - I was punctured, twice, by thorns.
First thing in the morning, up the veg garden with with the dog, my
peace was disturbed by the next door geese (those big white farmyard
geese - they have a large flock of them) having a bit of a barny, and
making even more noise than usual. So I nipped up on top of the dyke,
where there's a hole in the hedge (this is where we stand to take photos
of auroras) to get a better view of the local Goo
War. It was interesting watching several of them ganging up on another
one, chasing it with wings flapping furiously. Fine. Curiosity
satisfied. But on the way up on to the dyke, I very slightly lost my
balance, wobbled a wee bit, put my left hand out to steady myself, and
managed to puncture it on a big thorn in the hawthorn hedge. It hurt! It
bled! I took it back into the house, cleaned it up, put a plaster on
it, and more or less forgot about it.
And then, thorn attack No.2. Later in the afternoon, on a walk with the
dog, we were crossing one of those impossibly narrow footbridges that
cross drainage ditches in Lakeland fields. I put my right hand out to
brush aside the overhanging vegetation, only to discover too late that
it consisted mainly of brambles. So: thorn injuries on both hands now.
Only then did the significance of the day occur to me. Good Friday -
crown of thorns. Hmm... Was somebody up there trying to tell me
something? Maybe I was supposed to be in church on Good Friday
Well, I dunno. But the injury on my left hand is still
hurting, and I think it may be infected as it's swelling up a bit, and
the doctor's surgery doesn't seem to be open at weekends, and since
Monday's a bank holiday I may have to wait until Tuesday to get it seen
to. By that time my hand may be the size of a balloon, which will make
playing sax for the morris dancers on Easter Monday a bit tricky. I'll
try doing some phoning in the morning and find out what one's supposed
to do in these circumstances. It's not bad enough to go to A&E, (not
yet, anyway!) and besides I think I've heard the A&E at our nearest
hospital (Whitehaven - not really near at all!) has closed now. You can see I
don't have much to do with doctors or hospitals - I'm very much out of
touch with procedures.
Guess I should have gone to church....