Last night I went out in the garden after dark to get something from the car. The Security light went on, and I looked across the cobbles. There was Aineko, out in the middle, crunching something. At first I thought it was a bird, but as I got nearer I realised it had fur. Oh. My little cat had killed a small rabbit and was in the process of eating it, head first.
Right. OK. I can handle this.
So I sort of slunk away back to the house and left her to get on with it.
Above - could it have been this one?
Rabbits are a pain in the bottom around here. They eat everything we try to grow in the veg garden, and dig holes. They're a bloody nuisance. They are also incredibly cute. It's very hard to reconcile these feelings. I remind myself that cats are predators, and rabbits are prey, and this is the way things are supposed to be. Rabbits are not an endangered species. They don't behave like the ones in Watership Down. It's perfectly OK and fine for Aineko to eat them, and I should be proud of her.
I suppose I am, sort of. Just don't make me watch her do it.
I went out later and found a few furry bits. Most of it was gone.
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