I just can't resist taking photos of musicians on stage. I don't use flash. Why don't theatres approve? Tonight I was sitting quietly in the middle of Row F, taking a few very inconspicuous photos of
Red Priest in full flight, when this old bloke on my left suddenly spoke out: "Will you stop breaking the theatre's rules?" he said, quite loudly, causing people's heads to turn. He'd obviously been thinking about it for a while. I didn't know they had rules about photography. Usually the places that disapprove make some sort of announcement at the start of the show, but no-one said anything here, so I assumed it was OK. Trying to be polite, I said, "Oh - I didn't know," rather than telling him to mind his own business. "It's in the programme, Madam!" he said, louder still. (Funny how some people manage to make the word, "madam" sound like an insult.) "I don't have a programme," I informed him, but regretfully put my camera away, while realising that
he was the one who should now be embarrassed, having shown everyone around what an officious person he was.
Trying to rationalise his outburst, I came to the conclusion that (a) he is one of the volunteers who work at the theatre and is therefore personally involved in this stupid rule and making sure it's kept or (b) he's spent years wishing he could take photos in there, but always stuck to the rules himself, and can't bear to see someone else getting away with it.

After the interval I moved to an empty seat beside my friends several rows back. Poorer view, but nicer company.

What I'd like to know now, though, is whether Piping Hot should start dressing in red leather corsets like Red Priest's violinist? Or does it help to be young, pretty and blonde? And will I now be on the theatre's blacklist, for not only taking photos but publishing them online? I'm booked in to a recorder workshop with Piers Adams tomorrow morning, so maybe I should go in disguise.
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