I got 3 actual physical birthday cards, and many virtual ones, which is fine, as it leaves less to recycle, and of the 3 real ones, two were home-made while the third is so pretty that I'll probably want to keep it anyway.
I also got enough reading matter to keep me quiet for a while, enough games to distract me even more than usual from real life, some lovely home-made jewellery and half an acre of Brazilian rain forest, which I plan to visit and set up a holiday home on as soon as I've brushed up my Portuguese a bit. (Oh. I see. I'm not supposed to use it - I'm helping to conserve it. Well, that's actually even better. Thanks Patti.)
I gather it was snowing the day I was born. It was snowing the day Chris was born too, and that was 2 months after my birthday. These sort of things don't happen any more. Yesterday's feeble attempt at snow had vanished completely by lunchtime, and now it's just rain and flood warnings and wind and greyness and general dreichness.
I am more than two months younger than you!
Well I did say "2 months after my birthday" not "2 months after I was born"!
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