Took the dogs out for a quick run round the field before our weekly trip to see Dad, and, horror of horrors, there on the other side of the road was E. with his little lurcher. This dog really dislikes my dogs, and I feel E. also dislikes them, as he has been known to wave his stick in a threatening manner at Ghyll in the past. I've always tried to avoid them if we see them coming, since that incident. As a pair, they are our nemesis. Today, however, I decided to be the calm-assertive pack leader, and march purposefully onwards, leading my pack with the right sort of energy. And it worked! I couldn't believe it. We walked past E. and his dog, and neither Pace nor Ghyll let out so much as a murmer. E's dog, however, did bark a little, but all three of us completely ignored it and walked on. Wow!
We have a long way to go before my dogs are 'balanced' as CM puts it, but we're getting there, and a lot of it is down to my own behaviour, rather than the dogs'. They've always behaved better for Steve, and this is probably because he's closer to the calm-assertive ideal than I am. I'm learning though.
Just a moment ago, as I was typing this, the dogs started barking, hearing something outside. (We're waiting for Steve to come back from his band practice.) Instead of shouting at them, I walked quietly downstairs, and without a word touched Pace, who was doing the barking at that point, gently but firmly on her head, and she became quiet and calm and moved away. Silence followed. This is amazing!
Their behaviour when the phone rings is already improving, though we haven't quite got there yet. Next they have to learn to be calm when customers arrive, and to ignore the postie. I feel optimistic though - I think we're going to do it. Hurrah!
Above: our somewhat extended pack last spring when Steve's mum and Dougal joined us on the beach.
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