Saturday 21 July 2007

Slug Slalom on a pushbike

Must be something to do with all this damp weather we've been having, but there do seem to be more slugs about this summer than usual. Now when I'm trying to be a gardener, I despise them and their leaf-nibbling habits, but from an aesthetic point of view there's something quite wonderful about a nice big black slug, with its surface of Klingonesque corrugations and its wet shiny coat. They remind me of tiny wee bikers, black and tough.

They're everywhere this year. Trying to avoid standing on them while walking is bad enough, but this afternoon I discovered a new sport - slug slalom on a pushbike. Because the rural roads are busy, and the rural footpaths are almost unused, its safer to cycle on the path around here. Easy enough to dismount on those rare occasions when you meet a pedestrian.

Today, however, all the local slugs had come out to promenade and show off their black shiny finery. Sure, there's plenty of room to get your wheel between them, but it involves quite a bit of weaving to and fro. So I wove and meandered, to and fro avoiding slugs with great care and diligence. I don't think I squashed a single one. Hurrah!

Unfortunately, so concerned was I to miss the slugs that I almost didn't notice the scattering of broken glass. Coulda been nasty, that.

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