Monday 7 January 2008

A very nerdy video and a bit of morrising

Making a triode valve from scratch! As someone on the newsgroup where I found a link to this commented, ". . . absolutely astonishing - I had no idea anyone had attempted that since about
1905!" It's completely riveting.

Back to normal Mondays again - nothing like a bit of North West morris to strengthen up the leg muscles. And to give you sore feet, if it's a while since you've done it. Two new girls tonight - Thelma and Beryl - wonderful names - I don't think I've ever met a real Thelma or a real Beryl in my entire life, and here's one of each at the same time! Better still, they both seemed to be picking up the dancing at an amazingly fast rate, so let us hope they keep coming back. We could do with some new blood . . . (Cue Count Duckula theme.)

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