Monday 21 January 2008


Eventually we are all reduced to talking about the weather. Well, if we're British, anyway.

Wild today. Wind and that really cold nasty rain that penetrates clothing and chills your skin even if you're just dashing from the car to the Post Office. You don't see people standing around in the street on days like this: they're all dashing from one sanctuary to the next. I didn't even notice the usual knot of smokers outside the pubs, but having been one myself for many years I know that it takes more than bad weather to stop a smoker lighting up, so I guess it was just the wrong time of day or something.

There's a stretch of road between Netherhall School and Maryport that always floods when there's heavy rain, and on my way into town the whole left side of the road was waterlogged, forcing all the traffic to veer to the right side of the road. On my way back the flood had spread so that there was only about a car's width left on the dry side. A little later and it would have filled up completely. Someone told me the Dearham road was flooded too, so the poor Maryportians may have ended up beseiged in their own town, with the only way out being through Flimby.

By the time I got home the rain had turned to sleet, and within minutes the sleet had turned to snow. For a while I got quite excited, but it turned out to be that nasty wet sort of snow, that will certainly lie for a while, but makes crap snowballs and is useless for sledging on. Oh well, with the full moon it looked quite nice in the garden anway. Hmm. Wonder if the moon's still visible? Might be an opportunity for some interesting long-exposure photography if I can find warm enough boots.

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